Hidden content: Read This Before Creating Content!

Styling Framework

The LDraw.org site uses Semantic UI as the css and javascript framework. You can read about Semantic UI at semantic-ui.com. While a most of the styling can be overridden in the site specific CSS files, some things can only be modified by building the semantic package on the server.
Current deviations from the default site.varibles:
$largeMonitorBreakpoint: 1350px (default 1200px)


Templates are managed in the Design Manager. The current design in use is LDraw.org Semantic UI. All the page templates and style sheets are assigned to this design. Please note that there are other designs and templates in the Design Manager for legacy purposes. Do not use any template that is not assigned to the current design.

The current templates have been designed to be as modular and to separate content from design as much as possible. Please do not add any Core::Page templates without first having a discussion on the forums or having a discussion with Orion directly. For global content blocks (Core::Generic), if one is needed, try to make the output as self contained as possible.

Creating New Content Pages

When you create a new content page, the default template in the Options tab is LDraw.org Articles. There are a few other optional templates if needed. Do not use the LDraw.org Homepage template as that is reserved for the front page only

The 3 main types of page templates:

LDraw.org Articles
This will give you a main content area and a sidebar. If the page you are making does not need a sidebar, leave that box blank and the template will automatically remove it from the display. If you do need a sidebar and it will be used for more than one page, please consider making a sidebar in the side bar section and referring to it with a global content tag.
LDraw.org Sidebar
Use this template if you have sidebar content that will be repeated across several content pages. You can reference this sidebar using the "page-sidebar" global content block.
LDraw.org Javascript
This template exists to allow site specific javascript to be minified and included like a file. Do not use this template unless adding to the main javascript file is not desired for some reason.

UDT vs. Templates

The design philosophy for the site is to separate data retrieval from data presentation. As such, UDTs should retrieve and return data in a smarty variable and templete should format that data for the screen. UDTs should not contain HTML code.

Website copyright ©2003-2025 LDraw.org, see Legal Info for details.

LDraw is a completely unofficial, community run free CAD system which represents official parts produced by the LEGO company.

LDraw™ is a trademark owned and licensed by the Estate of James Jessiman
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, endorse, or authorize this site. Visit the official Lego website at http://www.lego.com

LDraw.org is powered by CMS Made Simple.