Hidden content: Rules

General Rules For All Entries:

Revised 2/25/04
One entry per person per contest. You can have one entry in both contests in the same month.
Entries must use your own model. You must have express permission to use someone else's model(s).
Each entry email MUST include a TITLE for the entry.
Each entry email MUST include a short COMMENT about the entry.
Model in an entry must be constructed of LEGO®-type pieces. Unofficial or mock-up pieces are allowed if they are not yet included in the official part releases.
Any rule changes/additions/deletions will be made by ldraw.org staff as necessary.
Decisions concerning any entry anomalies that are questionable will be made by ldraw.org staff.

Specific Rules:

MODEL Entry Rules:

revised 4/17/04
Entries will be in LDraw DAT or MPD format (the DAT file will not be published without author's consent). For multi-part models, MPD is preferred.
No LDraw files of official LEGO models sets (detailed in either the instructions or on the box) will be allowed to enter.
Minifigs may be included as needed. This includes animal figs or plants that may pertain to the model. Keep it simple though. A model of a battering ram could well include a few minifigs as operators - but does not need 300 more as soldiers all around it. Any minifig's included should not draw attention away from the model. If it looks too much like a scene, it cannot be in the Model-only contest.
Baseplates. Usable only as they pertain to a specific model. Example: A castle or house built on plate/baseplate is allowable. A car/plane/spaceship/etc on a baseplate is NOT. The plate must form part of the integral structure of the model.
Entries will be rendered by the contest coordinator in 2 standard views (in global coordinates:<25,45,0>,<25,215,0>). 1-3 additional camera locations and look at values may be specified by the author (the author may submit an altered version of the model for cutaway views, alternate configuration, etc...)
Entry email subject line should contain, at a minimum, the words MOTM MODEL ENTRY (capitalization not necessary).

SCENE Entry Rules:

revised 1/12/02
More of an "anything goes" format - with some limits.
Models in a scene must be rendered - this is not a photography contest.
Entries can be made using any available rendering method. Such as output from LDraw, LDLite, MLCAD, POV-Ray, 3DSMax, etc. Note that people tend to prefer higher quality renders, so a photorealistic render is advantageous - but not required.
Static images only. No animations allowed.
Voting will be based on the one image submitted. No linking to additional images will be made.
Scenes may contain as many models or minifigs/animals/plants as you desire.
Images may not include any represention of the trademark LEGO® brand insignia.
Backgrounds can be anything you want to place the model in. It's your scene.
Supporting or background scenery can be improvised, generated, or painted as you see fit.
Postprocessing is allowed. Adding scene-enhancing effects or text is fine.
Signing your image: You may, if desired, add a signature/copyright notice on the image in a location you choose. Digital watermarking is also allowed.
Landscape orientation entries should be in the preferred size of 800x600 pixels - or close to it.
Portrait orientation entries should be in the preferred size of 600x800 pixels - or close to it.
Entries should be no more than 150kbytes in size in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. JPG is preferred. Remember, jpg is a compression format - experiment a little and squeeze the file down as much as possible. The visual difference between a 150k file and a 75k file is usually insignificant, but the loading time isn't.
Entry email subject line should contain, at a minimum, the words SOTM SCENE ENTRY (capitalization not necessary).

Submitting Entries:

Please note that submitting an entry into the LDraw.org Model or Scene Of The Month contest constitutes permission by you for LDraw.org to display and promote the entry. Copyright ownership remains with the author of the entry.

Entries via a method TBD
Entries must be submitted by the 25th of the month to be included in the following month's voting. Incomplete or questionable entries may be delayed.
Please include the following in addition to the DAT file (MOTM) or image (SOTM):

Your name & email address (required)
Title of the model or scene (required)
A short comment about the model or scene (required)
(for MOTM) 1-3 camera locations (in global coodinates) and/or look at values that you wish to be used for renders. These are in addition to the 2 standard locations listed above.
Email subject line should reflect which contest you're entering:
MODEL or SCENE entry (required)

Website copyright ©2003-2025 LDraw.org, see Legal Info for details.

LDraw is a completely unofficial, community run free CAD system which represents official parts produced by the LEGO company.

LDraw™ is a trademark owned and licensed by the Estate of James Jessiman
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, endorse, or authorize this site. Visit the official Lego website at http://www.lego.com

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