Documentation: Common Error Check Messages

Use this list as a guide when reviewing parts. When you are writing parts, it is best to resolve all error messages.

1 ERROR Embedded POV Code found. HOLD
2 ERROR '0 WRITE' found. - HOLD
5 ERROR '0 COLOR' found. HOLD
6 ERROR Incorrect use of only '0' for comments. Should be '0 //' inst HOLD
7 ERROR Not all used colors in LDConfig.ldr. HOLD
8 ERROR Matrix all zero found. HOLD
9 ERROR Identical vertices found. HOLD
10 ERROR Colinear vertices found. HOLD
11 ERROR Bad Vertex Sequence found. HOLD
12 ERROR Concave quads found. HOLD
13 ERROR Coplanarity. HOLD
14 ERROR Incorrect color for linetype. Must be 24 for edges and conds, while 1, 3, 4 cannot get 24 HOLD
15 ERROR Loop in reference found. HOLD
16 ERROR Double lines found. HOLD
19 WARNING Maybe leading spaces in part description. WARNING
21 ERROR Some keywords are also in part description. HOLD
22 ERROR Filename does not match file title. HOLD
23 ERROR Author real name is not set HOLD
24 ERROR Author user name is not set HOLD
25 ERROR BFC is not set. HOLD
26 ERROR License is not set. HOLD
27 ERROR Part type is not set. HOLD
28 ERROR Primitives needs to have CCW winding. HOLD
29 ERROR Use of !KEYWORDS is not allowed for this part type. WARNING
30 ERROR Part description contains Tab character. HOLD
31 ERROR HELP entry length WARNING
32 ERROR Word 'new' or 'old' is used in part description WARNING
35 ERROR Use of !CATEGORY is not allowed at for this part type WARNING
36 ERROR High-res primitive has to start with '48\'. HOLD
37 ERROR Description for primitives should not start with '_' or '~'.  Unless it is a Moveto or Obsoloted HOLD
38 ERROR Filename for parts, shortcuts and primitives should not start with '48\', '8\' or 's\'. HOLD
39 ERROR Filename for subparts has to start with 's\'. HOLD
40 ERROR Description for subparts has to start with '~'. HOLD
41 ERROR Description for subparts should not start with '_' or '=' HOLD
45 ERROR Extension has to be .dat HOLD
47 ERROR Lines do not end with <CR><LF>. HOLD
48 ERROR Author !HISTORY entry has no brackets or curly braces HOLD
49 ERROR Not scalable primitive is scaled. HOLD
50 ERROR Primitive is scaled in illegal direction HOLD
51 ERROR First line after BFC INVERTNEXT isn't linetype 1 HOLD
52 ERROR Problem with the RGB value. HOLD
53 ERROR '~Moved to' file used. HOLD
54 ERROR Wrong BFC command found. HOLD
56 ERROR 'Minifig Accessory' found in part description HOLD
57 ERROR 'Figure Accessory' found in part description HOLD
58 WARNING 'INVERTNEXT' used although not necessary. WARNING
59 WARNING T-Junction detected. WARNING
60 ERROR Wrong brackets around username used. Only [] is allowed WARNING
61 ERROR Description for alias parts should start with '=' HOLD
65 ERROR Only linetype 0 and 1 are allowed in Alias parts. HOLD
67 ERROR Only color 16 is allowed in Alias parts. HOLD
73 WARNING Mirrored studs detected. WARNING
74 WARNING Flat subfile scaled in flat direction WARNING
75 ERROR Optional line with same vertices than line found. HOLD
76 ERROR Leading or trailing zeros found. HOLD
77 ERROR Overlapping triangle found. WARNING
78 ERROR Lines with wrong number of arguments found. HOLD
79 WARNING Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG file type. WARNING
80 ERROR Moved To number with extension. ~Moved to 3004.dat HOLD
81 WARNING Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG part type qualifier. WARNING

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LDraw is a completely unofficial, community run free CAD system which represents official parts produced by the LEGO company.

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