Use this list as a guide when reviewing parts. When you are writing parts, it is best to resolve all error messages.
1 | ERROR | Embedded POV Code found. | HOLD |
2 | ERROR | '0 WRITE' found. - | HOLD |
4 | ERROR | '0 ROTATION' found. | HOLD |
5 | ERROR | '0 COLOR' found. | HOLD |
6 | ERROR | Incorrect use of only '0' for comments. Should be '0 //' inst | HOLD |
7 | ERROR | Not all used colors in LDConfig.ldr. | HOLD |
8 | ERROR | Matrix all zero found. | HOLD |
9 | ERROR | Identical vertices found. | HOLD |
10 | ERROR | Colinear vertices found. | HOLD |
11 | ERROR | Bad Vertex Sequence found. | HOLD |
12 | ERROR | Concave quads found. | HOLD |
13 | ERROR | Coplanarity. | HOLD |
14 | ERROR | Incorrect color for linetype. Must be 24 for edges and conds, while 1, 3, 4 cannot get 24 | HOLD |
15 | ERROR | Loop in reference found. | HOLD |
16 | ERROR | Double lines found. | HOLD |
19 | WARNING | Maybe leading spaces in part description. | WARNING |
21 | ERROR | Some keywords are also in part description. | HOLD |
22 | ERROR | Filename does not match file title. | HOLD |
23 | ERROR | Author real name is not set | HOLD |
24 | ERROR | Author user name is not set | HOLD |
25 | ERROR | BFC is not set. | HOLD |
26 | ERROR | License is not set. | HOLD |
27 | ERROR | Part type is not set. | HOLD |
28 | ERROR | Primitives needs to have CCW winding. | HOLD |
29 | ERROR | Use of !KEYWORDS is not allowed for this part type. | WARNING |
30 | ERROR | Part description contains Tab character. | HOLD |
31 | ERROR | HELP entry length | WARNING |
32 | ERROR | Word 'new' or 'old' is used in part description | WARNING |
34 | ERROR | Entry for !CATEGORY | HOLD |
35 | ERROR | Use of !CATEGORY is not allowed at for this part type | WARNING |
36 | ERROR | High-res primitive has to start with '48\'. | HOLD |
37 | ERROR | Description for primitives should not start with '_' or '~'. Unless it is a Moveto or Obsoloted | HOLD |
38 | ERROR | Filename for parts, shortcuts and primitives should not start with '48\', '8\' or 's\'. | HOLD |
39 | ERROR | Filename for subparts has to start with 's\'. | HOLD |
40 | ERROR | Description for subparts has to start with '~'. | HOLD |
41 | ERROR | Description for subparts should not start with '_' or '=' | HOLD |
45 | ERROR | Extension has to be .dat | HOLD |
47 | ERROR | Lines do not end with <CR><LF>. | HOLD |
48 | ERROR | Author !HISTORY entry has no brackets or curly braces | HOLD |
49 | ERROR | Not scalable primitive is scaled. | HOLD |
50 | ERROR | Primitive is scaled in illegal direction | HOLD |
51 | ERROR | First line after BFC INVERTNEXT isn't linetype 1 | HOLD |
52 | ERROR | Problem with the RGB value. | HOLD |
53 | ERROR | '~Moved to' file used. | HOLD |
54 | ERROR | Wrong BFC command found. | HOLD |
56 | ERROR | 'Minifig Accessory' found in part description | HOLD |
57 | ERROR | 'Figure Accessory' found in part description | HOLD |
58 | WARNING | 'INVERTNEXT' used although not necessary. | WARNING |
59 | WARNING | T-Junction detected. | WARNING |
60 | ERROR | Wrong brackets around username used. Only [] is allowed | WARNING |
61 | ERROR | Description for alias parts should start with '=' | HOLD |
65 | ERROR | Only linetype 0 and 1 are allowed in Alias parts. | HOLD |
67 | ERROR | Only color 16 is allowed in Alias parts. | HOLD |
73 | WARNING | Mirrored studs detected. | WARNING |
74 | WARNING | Flat subfile scaled in flat direction | WARNING |
75 | ERROR | Optional line with same vertices than line found. | HOLD |
76 | ERROR | Leading or trailing zeros found. | HOLD |
77 | ERROR | Overlapping triangle found. | WARNING |
78 | ERROR | Lines with wrong number of arguments found. | HOLD |
79 | WARNING | Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG file type. | WARNING |
80 | ERROR | Moved To number with extension. ~Moved to 3004.dat | HOLD |
81 | WARNING | Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG part type qualifier. | WARNING |
Website copyright ©2003-2025, see Legal Info for details.
LDraw is a completely unofficial, community run free CAD system which represents official parts produced by the LEGO company.
LDraw™ is a trademark owned and licensed by the Estate of James Jessiman
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor,
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