Documentation: !AVATAR Language Extension

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Maintained by: Standards Board
Revision: 1, 2024-06-19

Revision History:

1: Initial

This is an ratified, official document. Non-adminstrative changes can only be made with the approval of the maintainer.


Outlines the !AVATAR Meta statement that provides information to display a typical example of a part in a given category.


The !AVATAR meta command is an optional command intended to allow an editor to display a typical example of a part in a given category (as defined by the !CATEGORY meta). Defined !AVATAR statements will be located within the LDConfig.ldr file. For an editor that chooses to implement this specification, if an !AVATAR statement for a given !CATEGORY is not defined, the choice of avatar is at the option of the editor developer.

!AVATAR Syntax

0 !AVATAR CATEGORY "<category>" DESCRIPTION "<description>" PART <rotation maxtrix> "<part file>"

<category> is the category name from the list of approved !CATEGORY categories
<description> is a short (approximately 4 words or less) description of the category. This will typically be the pluralized form of the category
<rotation matrix> is the 9 element rotation matrix as defined by the LDraw File Format Type 1 line definition. Only rotations are allowed in this matrix, not scale factors or skews.
<part file> is the part file reference as defined by the LDraw File Format Type 1 line definition

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