Community: 10th Anniversary

This gallery pays tribute to the 10th anniversary of James Jessiman's passing. People were invited to send in a picture of a:

1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002.dat

(a red Brick 2x3 for all those who are not CAD nerds) LDraw's logo, to honor James and his great foundation. The contributions weren't limited to "LDraws" and therefore you'll find all kind of sketches, artwork or even photographs.


Click the image thumbnail to see a larger version. Hit the "Back" button in your browser to return to this page.

Memorial Images

Here is a selection of images you may use on your site to link to this memorial. Please download the image of your choice and place it on your website directory. Do not link directly to the images here at

By Tim Courtney By Jaco Van Der Molen By Todd Lehman By Tim Courtney By Bram Lambrecht


Just James

A recollection of his life by his parents. With permission from Publisher Joe Meno as well as Robyn and Don Jessiman we are honored to mirror an article published in BrickJournal, Spring 2006, Volume #1, Issue 4.

Commemoration-Gallery of the 10th anniversary

This gallery pays tribute to the 10th anniversary of James Jessiman's passing showing pictures of a:

1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3002.dat

(a red Brick 2x3 for all those who are not LDraw savvy)'s logo.


Following James' death, several members of the community wrote him sentimental letters. View these here. Also, view the archive of the guestbook of the original James Jessiman Memorial site.

James' Website

James' personal website is still available to view online. The above link takes you to the version of his site as it was when he passed away.

Website copyright ©2003-2025, see Legal Info for details.

LDraw is a completely unofficial, community run free CAD system which represents official parts produced by the LEGO company.

LDraw™ is a trademark owned and licensed by the Estate of James Jessiman
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, endorse, or authorize this site. Visit the official Lego website at is powered by CMS Made Simple.